6 common floor care mistakes to avoid

Consider the following errors and solutions to keep floors looking their best.

Floors are often the first thing that your customers and visitors notice when entering your facility.

Floors that are stained, scratched and covered in dirt and debris send the wrong message and may even discourage guests from spending time and money.

There are several common floor care mistakes that can impact the look and lifespan of floors. Facility managers should understand these and how to solve them to ensure guests are always greeted with clean and safe floors.

Fix for every floor care fail 

Understanding frequent floor care mistakes can help organisations avoid them entirely or take corrective action if they’ve occurred in the past.

Consider the following errors and solutions to keep floors looking their best:

  1. Neglecting daily floor maintenance

Floors need attention every day, not just when they appear visibly dirty. Plus, spending time each day to address floors can save time and money in the long run by prolonging their life. Regular vacuuming helps remove dirt, dust and contaminants like sand and salt. Vacuuming also helps prepare floors for tasks like daily floor cleaning.

Today, floor care pads constructed with billions of microscopic diamonds can simultaneously clean and polish floors with just water, making floor care faster and easier. These pads can also revitalise the look of floors that have been neglected, as they remove scratches and bring shine back to dull surfaces.

  1. Not cleaning spills immediately

Spills from beverages, greasy food and even paint can turn into permanent stains if left on floors for too long.

Employees should quickly address spills and do visual inspections for spots on a daily basis. Keep a variety of microfiber cloths and mops, carpet spotters and floor cleaners in your supply room to address these oftenunavoidable spills and keep them from impacting floor fibres and finishes.

  1. Using too much or too little chemical

Using the right amount of chemical is crucial for a number of reasons. For example, using too much chemical is wasteful and can result in sticky residues or a hazy appearance. Using too little chemical will likely require employees to clean floors again, which drives up labour costs.

To remove guesswork from floor care, consider chemical-free options like Twister diamond pads or use a floor care machine that accommodates pre-portioned pouches of chemical and doses solution according to the speed of the machine to avoid overwetting floors.

Many of Diversey’s TASKI floorcare machine range come complete with intelliDose, delivering the perfect dose of chemical for the speed of the machine, thus avoiding wet patches or over/under dosing chemical.

  1. Using the wrong product

There’s a reason that floor care products are specially formulated for wood, carpet or tile.

Using a product on the wrong type of substrate can result in visible damage such as etching and wear on the finish. Know your environment and make sure to use products that are compatible with your floors. Then, follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to apply the product.

  1. Failing to train employees

Organisations can avoid many of the above issues if employees are trained in proper floor care. Make training part of the onboarding process for new employees and provide refresher training for seasoned employees so that they understand cleanliness standards and expectations, as well as how to operate equipment and use tools and chemicals correctly.

When employees are confident in how to perform floor care, they are more likely to complete the necessary tasks.

  1. Ignoring the investment required

It’s important to assess if you are truly willing to invest in the amount of maintenance that is required to achieve the level of appearance you desire.

There are different programs available today and the right partner can help you determine the one that best fits your needs and budget.

With the right products, machines, pads, and procedures, you can align your reality with your expectations.

Clean floors lay the groundwork for a successful business. To avoid customer complaints, floors should always be free of contaminants like dirt, dust and debris, scratches and unsightly stains.

By addressing the above lapses in floor safety and applying best practices, organisations can maintain cleanliness and protect their flooring investment.

Diversey offers a variety of machines, tools and chemicals to help you build a floor care program that fits your needs. Diversey’s facility management solutions save time and increase profits while creating greater value for your customers.

This article first appeared in INCLEAN magazine. Read the original article here.

Contact your Diversey Representative on 1800 647 779 to find out more.