2023 Industry Trends and Forecasts

An exclusive analysis of 2022 trends and forecasts for 2023 by TEAM Software.

In the cleaning industry, economic uncertainty continues in the job market.

TEAM Software by WorkWave analysed key metrics globally and compared them to industry-specific findings*.

The job market right now

Labour demand is increasing even as employee separations remain a consideration to contract fulfillment.

Our findings from January-September 2022 are noticeably higher than the norm, supporting the idea that labour demand is increasing in each industry, despite a lack of overall labour pool increase.

Despite hiring more than the national average, the net sum of workers in the cleaning industry aren’t substantially increasing due to the amount of turnover.

In order to maintain an average annual headcount of 100 employees, for example, a cleaning company must hire 133 applicants a year. The challenge is similar across the globe.

The takeaway

Recruitment, hiring and onboarding efforts will continue to be a key focus.

With inflation cutting into personal savings, there may be an influx of applicants returning to labour markets worldwide. Be ready to attract top talent with streamlined hiring and onboarding processes and have retention strategies in place for the first 90 days.

As hiring continues to remain a challenge, reexamine retention strategies for your current workforce. The more success you experience with retention, the less investment you’ll need for hiring.

Why data is important

The right data can mean the difference between companies that thrive in any market condition and those that struggle to maintain profit.

That’s why TEAM Software by WorkWave is committed to strong data and reporting, both in our software solutions – so you can stay up to date with real-time visibility into your operations and contracts – and in collecting and providing industry data like our market trends analysis.

To learn more about industry trends, forecasts and applications, access the full data report.

*Key findings are based on TEAM Software by WorkWave US sample data findings.