Smart Tech for Efficient Cleaning

Comac Fleet Care (CFC) is the latest tool to help you get the most efficient and economic clean possible.

Comac Fleet Care (CFC) is the latest tool to help you get the most efficient and economic clean possible. Utilising smart tech to provide you with real-time data and information, see how CFC can help save time and money in your business.

What is Comac Fleet Care?

Comac Fleet Care allows you to wirelessly communicate with your machines to retrieve useful data that can help improve efficiency. This data can tell you everything from where your machine is and how long it runs for during a clean, to the health of your machine and whether maintenance is needed.

By having access to this information, you can more effectively manage your fleet and improve your cleaning operations — saving you time and money.

How CFC can help you

Reduce downtime

By tracking your fleet’s location, performance, battery status, operating health and more, you can ensure your fleet is always where it needs to be when it needs to be and is operating at its most optimal level.

That helps eliminate unexpected issues which end up costing you money. For example, you can avoid waiting for machines (that should already be there) to arrive, charge, or get repairs. Reducing these issues translates into more efficient cleaning with less downtime.

Reduce faults and maintenance

By monitoring the status and health of your machine, you can schedule maintenance only when needed. This can reduce the ongoing costs and downtime associated with regular maintenance, as you only do it as needed rather than to a set schedule. It may also alert you to potential issues early, reducing the risk of larger faults and issues arising.

Improve planning and resourcing

By gathering and understanding insightful data about your fleet and its performance you can better plan your cleaning operations. This can also help you when planning future investment and providing accurate and detailed tender quotes.

Prevent theft and misuse

If your machine is removed or used outside of preapproved areas/times you will be notified, helping to prevent theft and misuse.

Talk to Godfreys Commercial to learn more about Comac Fleet Care

The experts at Godfreys Commercial are your one-stop shop for all things commercial cleaning. Contact us today on 1800 314 580 or at to learn more about Comac Fleet Care, and our range of commercial cleaning machines.

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