One million ‘Introduction to AI’ scholarships available to small businesses

Artificial intelligence (AI) ‘scholarships’ are now on offer to one million Australians, in a bid to increase the nation’s literacy in the technology, estimated to be worth $4 trillion to the economy by the early 2030s.

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are encouraged to sit the free ‘Introduction to Artificial Intelligence’ microskill course provided by the TAFE NSW’s Institute of Applied Technology Digital and the National AI Centre (NAIC) and coordinated by The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation  (CSIRO).

The course will provide a non-technical introduction to AI fundamentals and is designed for people at the beginning of their AI literacy journey.

National AI Centre director Stela Solarsays the course is the perfect opportunity for business owners to build their AI understanding. 

“SMEs make up over 98 per cent of Australia’s economy, and ‘Introduction to AI’ is their opportunity to learn how they can use this revolutionary technology to enhance their operations, services, and market competitiveness,” Ms Solar says.

The microskill is available now through the TAFE NSW Institute of Applied Technology – Digital. Working in collaboration with TAFE NSW, Microsoft, Macquarie University, and the University of Technology Sydney, the Institute of Applied Technology Digital designs and delivers market-leading training that rapidly adapts to industry needs.

The two-and-a-half-hour course will cover:

  • What AI is
  • Common AI terminologies
  • The challenges and risks of using AI
  • Common misconceptions
  • Real-world applications of AI
  • Australian AI case studies
  • Advice from industry experts to start your career in AI

Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA) CEO Luke Achterstraat welcomed the introduction of the course, praising its ability to provide small businesses with the knowledge needed to unlock AI’s vast opportunities.

“Small businesses are a main source of innovation in Australia – they are entrepreneurs who try new ideas, test new products, and usually back themselves with their own capital,” Mr Achterstraat says.

“This microskill course will help build confidence and competency for small businesses as they navigate the AI landscape.”

Registrations are now open for the course via TAFE NSW.

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