Karcher says Tennant has withdrawn ‘wrongly translated Press release’

According to an Alfred Karcher GmbH blog statement on 29 November 2011, ‘Tennant has withdrawn in Germany a wrongly translated Press release in which it claimed incorrectly that an agency responsible for dealing with anti-competitive advertising in the UK – Oxfordshire County Council’s Trading Standards Service – considered scientific proof to have been provided of […]

Karcher clarifies TSS's commentsAccording to an Alfred Karcher GmbH blog statement on 29 November 2011, ‘Tennant has withdrawn in Germany a wrongly translated Press release in which it claimed incorrectly that an agency responsible for dealing with anti-competitive advertising in the UK – Oxfordshire County Council’s Trading Standards Service – considered scientific proof to have been provided of the efficacy of ec-H2O technology.

‘In fact, the agency had merely stated that it was not pursuing the complaint further because its expertise was mainly legal and it did not have detailed knowledge about every product that was available on the market.

‘The Trading Standards Service merely observed that Tennant had submitted evidence in support of its dubious advertising claims, but that it – the TSS – was unable to check the accuracy of the evidence.

‘Accordingly, Tennant continues to have failed to provide scientific proof of the efficacy of the so-called ec-H2O technology.’


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