Supporting front line cleaning staff must be a priority in order to deliver clients the best quality services, believes Maggie Zaberca. Recently shortlisted for the BSCAA NSW’s Young Manager of the Year 2010 Award, she is operations manager for ISS Facility Services’ NSW Commercial Cleaning division. Before this role Zaberca worked in various industries including […]

Supporting front line cleaning staff must be a priority in order to deliver clients the best quality services, believes Maggie Zaberca. Recently shortlisted for the BSCAA NSW’s Young Manager of the Year 2010 Award, she is operations manager for ISS Facility Services’ NSW Commercial Cleaning division.
Before this role Zaberca worked in various industries including senior roles in the records management and business relocations/events management industry. Along with her strong academic background Zaberca has gained extensive hands on experience while working in diverse industries which has benefited not only her, but her staff and customers.
Zaberca’s academic background includes, but is not limited to, a Certificate II and III in Asset Maintenance; Certificate IV – Workplace Training and Assessment; OH & S ‘WorkCover’ accredited; and Lead Auditor.
Six years ago Zaberca joined the cleaning industry and commenced managing both government and private sector portfolios. During that period, she gained further operational hands-on experience and familiarity with change management processes.
For about three years Zaberca managed a multi-million dollar portfolio, mainly in conjunction with Departments of Commerce and Education & Training. According to ISS Facility Services, ‘she immediately had a positive impact due to her pro-activeness, dedication to compliance and OH&S.’
In 2008 Zaberca joined ISS Facility Services as a senior customer service manager and was recently promoted to operations manager NSW. At ISS she also manages a multi-million dollar portfolio which also includes being appointed as the main point of contact for selected national cleaning contracts. Her customer base includes commercial properties, retail centres, financial institutions and industrial properties.
‘To date, Zaberca has received numerous positive testimonials from clients, with most emphasising her proactive approach and commitment to exceeding client expectations.’
Zaberca pointed out that, “Being pro-active with customers and communicating with them regularly is the key aspect to any successful partnership.”
However, what sets Zaberca apart is her dedication to her staff. She is focused on employees working in a safe working environment but also rewards staff that go above and beyond their normal duties.
“I believe very strongly that cleaning personnel are the front line of any business and they are the most important part of any cleaning business. What you sow is what you reap with staff.
“By that I mean that the more support and encouragement given to staff, the best the service delivery will be for our customers,” emphasised Zaberca.
She is excited in being part of the ISS Cleaning business as she strongly believes that, “ISS will never become complacent with its staff and customers and will always be looking at ways to be the industry leaders by being innovative.”