Executive housekeepers find value in their association
As executive housekeepers come under increasingly large workloads and more stressful responsibilities, membership of, and participation in, appropriate industry bodies can prove very worthwhile for the individual’s wellbeing. That was a key message imparted by Professional Housekeepers Association of NSW Inc (PHAN) president Maureen Jolowicz at the Association’s 2013 annual general meeting.
Held at the Shangri La Hotel, Sydney, the well-attended AGM included a review of 2011/2012, treasurer’s report, election of 2013 office bearers, guest speakers and an open forum that canvassed 2013 events.
“2012 was a challenging for hotels and for executive housekeepers,” Jolowicz noted. “We felt the pressure from owners and head offices as they sought better margins and we also continued to deal with more issues such as OH&S and sustainability.
“And of course high occupancy rates brought its own pressures as well.” In this environment, executive housekeepers need to “look after themselves and keep things in perspective”.
Jolowicz urged executive housekeepers to become involved in PHAN and to take advantage of the real professional benefits ‘networking’ with colleagues brings.
“Everyone who attends our functions really enjoys them, they are good fun,” she emphasised.
Like other associations that perceive value in tapping external resources, PHAN is going through the constitutional process that could see suppliers admitted to the Association as associate members.
It was noted that PHAN is the only executive housekeeper body that at this stage does not have associate members. A vote taken at the AGM indicated overwhelming support for a constitution change.
Themed ‘Responsible Housekeeping’, the AGM’s guest speakers were the Presbyterian Social Services’ Robert McPaul and Clothesline’s Steve Cowie. Both gave members an insight to the valuable community work their organisations carry out and explained how PHAN members can support their causes.
On a similar tack, Jolowicz also did a short presentation on Soap Aid (www.soapaid.org).
Treasurer Nela Neves then presented a healthy set of financials while outgoing vice president Alexandra Atkinson detailed the very active 2012 program, whetting the appetite for discussion on 2013’s functions and events.
The elected 2013 committee comprises president Maureen Jolowicz, vice president Grace Esogen, secretary Zarife Melick and treasurer Nela Neves. They are supported by a committee that includes Helen Hofman, Lalini de Silva, Nenita Poquiz, Frans van Lieshout, Ali Khondukar, Jason D’eath and Kamila Smirski.