IEHA releases booklet on the ‘new rules of cleaning’

The International Executive Housekeepers Association (IEHA) released a new educational booklet, ‘ICM — The New Rules of Cleaning’, during ISSA/INTERCLEAN — North America, held mid-November, in Orlando, Fla. Integrated Cleaning and Measurement (ICM) is an open-source system in which ‘best practices’ are defined by scientific measurement of cleaning outcomes. It is currently being administered by […]
The International Executive Housekeepers Association (IEHA) released a new educational booklet, ‘ICM — The New Rules of Cleaning’, during ISSA/INTERCLEAN — North America, held mid-November, in Orlando, Fla. Integrated Cleaning and Measurement (ICM) is an open-source system in which ‘best practices’ are defined by scientific measurement of cleaning outcomes. It is currently being administered by the non-profit IEHA, a 3,500-plus professional member organisation for persons employed in facility housekeeping at the management level.

‘ICM — The New Rules of Cleaning’, sponsored by Rubbermaid Commercial Products, is a 60-page compilation of articles, essays and other materials written by 12 industry leaders including Alan Bigger, REH and APPA Fellow; Beth Bittenbender; Colin Butterfield; Dr Paul S. Darby; Vince Elliott; Marvin Ellsworth, REH; Dr Jay Glasel; Dr Tom Keating; Dr Robert Powitz; Allen Rathey; Dr Richard J. Shaughnessy; and Frank Wiley.

The articles and essays within the booklet provide information regarding

the philosophy behind ICM, how to apply ICM in schools and healthcare facilities, how ICM relates to green cleaning, explanations of measurement science, what tools and processes are involved with ICM, and why communication is critical to the success of ICM.

“IEHA gratefully acknowledges Rubbermaid for sponsoring the publication and providing a technical review of the booklet. We would also like to thank Kaivac for assisting in compiling these articles and all the authors for providing such critical information,” said Beth Risinger, CEO/executive director of IEHA. “There has been a lot of press on ICM since it was released as a concept to the cleaning industry in 2008, and we are excited to provide this information in one handy booklet for IEHA members and all in the cleaning industry.”

‘ICM — The New Rules of Cleaning’ is now available to purchase for US$15 for IEHA members and US$20 for non-members.


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