Delivering cost efficiency and perfect cleaning results simply at the push of a button.
Using the right amount of chemical is key to achieving outstanding wet-cleaning results while best managing cost efficiency. Hako has developed solutions to reduce the use of cleaning chemicals in machine floor cleaning, even rendering the use of chemicals unnecessary altogether, without sacrificing consistent cleaning results.
The on-board Chemical on Demand system available on Hakomatic scrubber-driers allows you to use chemical only when you need it. Simply press a button to turn chemical dosing ‘on’ or ‘off’ as you clean, to maximise the use of cleaning with just water or minimise chemical usage and cost.
This system eliminates overdosing of chemical when cleaning and reduces operator training, enabling consistent, high quality results.
When combined with Hako Aqua Force demineralised water cleaning performance is enhanced further, delivering high-quality cleaning results that help to sustain the environment and reduce site running costs.
Hako’s Chemical on Demand and Aqua Force are key components of Hako’s award winning Integrated Environmental Cleaning™ system.
Company contact details:
02 8756 4700