Copy courtesy of www.thecleanzine.com
It has been announced that Andrew Large will be leaving the cleaning industry by this (European) summer to take up a new role heading up the British Poultry Council. This means that the UK’s Cleaning & Support Services Association is looking for a new chief executive, whose role will also involve looking after the interests of other UK cleaning industry associations that had chosen to put the running of their own secretariats into Andrew’s and/or the CSSA’s hands.
These include the Cleaning & Hygiene Suppliers Association – which announced only in December that its secretariat would in future be managed by Andrew and the CSSA – and the Industrial Cleaning Machine Manufacturers` Association, which has come under the CSSA’s wing for some time. Andrew and his team also look after the UK cleaning industry’s umbrella organisation – the British Cleaning Council – which has 21 member organisations.
Also affected, on a wider scale, is the World Federation of Building Service Contractors, of which Andrew is executive vice president. Andrew has confirmed today that the WFBSC is managed by the CSSA and not by him personally, and that his successor at the CSSA will take responsibility for the WFBSC in the course of his/her normal duties.
Andrew has been chief executive of the CSSA since 2006, the second longest serving chief executive in its history and he has certainly made an impact over that time as previously the Association had not been involved in looking after any other industry associations. He has also done a lot to raise the profile of the industry, to set the record straight regarding the issues surrounding the contracting out of hospital cleaning services and to support the payment of the London Living Wage.
He told Cleanzine that the timing of his departure would be flexible to ensure that whoever was taking over would be completely ready to handle the role before having to take full responsibility for it. He also said: “I have been with the CSSA as chief executive for almost seven years and it is time for me to move on to something new. I have been approached with the opportunity to head the British Poultry Council, and after much consideration I have decided to accept.
“Although I am leaving the cleaning sector, I will take with me great memories of this vital industry. I will be leaving by the summer but have announced my decision now so that the CSSA Board and other staff members can prepare the transition in an orderly and timely fashion.
“It has been a pleasure and a privilege to be chief executive of the Cleaning & Support Services Association. It is a fantastic job. I am immensely grateful for the support I have always received from the three CSSA chairmen under whom I have served, Roger Goodman, Doug Cooke and Peter Goodliffe, as well as the board and staff of the CSSA.”
Peter Goodliffe, chairman of the CSSA, commented: “Andrew Large has transformed the CSSA from a single sector association into a hub for the global cleaning industry, and one of the most respected associations in Britain. He has insisted on the highest standards especially in the areas of communications, effective advocacy and financial management, all of which have served to push the profile of the cleaning industry forwards.
“He is a hard act to follow, but leaves his successor a flourishing Association with an excellent secretariat. I will miss Andrew personally as well as professionally and I am sure he will make a great success of his future career.”
Speaking following the announcement, CHSA chairman Stephen Harrison said:
“Having recently awarded a contract for the CHSA secretariat to be managed by CSSA and Andrew Large in his role as running a number of secretariats for cleaning industry associations we are clearly disappointed that Andrew is leaving but we wish him well in his future at the British Poultry Council.
“The CHSA has made a strategic decision to locate its secretariat services with the CSSA and I will be working closely with the CSSA chairman to ensure that CHSA members receive the high levels of service they expect throughout this transition period and beyond.”