Leaders Forum: Bruce Whiteley, Operations Director, Daniels Associates

 How was 2022 for Daniels Associates? What were the highlights? What were the challenges?

2022 was a stable year for Daniels Associates as a registered training organisation. We have focused on the building service contractors market and are coming off the back of the largest government funding the VET (Vocational Education and Training) sector has ever seen.

What have been some of the learnings from t the past 12 months?

For many training organisations the last 12-24 months have been good for business on the back of generous government wages subsidies for employers engaged in new worker traineeships.

What are the company’s main priorities for 2023?

2023 will be a challenging year in parts of our business, particularly in relation to traineeships with government funding returning to normal.

We will be seeking to engage more employers with our other services including low cost online cleaning courses through the Building Service Contractors Association of Australia (BSCAA), Rapid Cleaning Supplies, National Police Checks, and possible entry into the pre-employment sector.

We understand industry is struggling with critical labour shortages and we need to convince building service contractors of the advantages in using training strategies and employment pathways to attract and keep quality staff.

What do you see as the main challenges the market is facing in 2023?

Our priorities for next year align with our challenges and opportunities. Training BSC staff using a combination of pathways including traineeships and low-cost, readily accessible, non-accredited training courses. This will include new innovations in mobile phone-based training materials.

What do you expect to be the big trends of 2023?

At the moment it is all about the BSC’s finding labour to fill workforce shortages. We understand there are ongoing delays in granting visas to people entering Australia and there is strong competition for labour from other industries with labour shortages.  Unfortunately, staff training is not essential and sometimes takes a backseat to more immediate issues.

How do you see the cleaning industry evolving in 2023?

Skills shortages and labour shortages are plaguing most services industries and will continue to do so in 2023; and this is not just an Australian problem with many western countries experiencing similar labour shortages. It may surprise some people to know even countries such as Thailand are experiencing labours shortages and have been experiencing labour shortages for some years.

What’s the biggest challenge facing leaders today?

Personally, I think running a small business has always been about managing challenges, spotting opportunities, recruiting and retaining staff. The challenges may change from year to year but the processes of running a successful business remain the same.

What advice would you give to fellow leaders in the cleaning industry?

From my perspective as a registered training organisation, I will always push the banner of investing in and upskilling staff. Investing in staff training will always have long-term positive benefits for employers. Top of the list being improved staff morale and improved staff retention. When talking to front line supervisors’, number one on their wish list is a team of motivated cleaners, number two being a distant second.

Is there a message that you would like to share with the industry?

Think about your front-line supervisors and investing in staff training. Daniels Associates have a great range of cost-effective courses, from pre-employment courses and staff cleaning inductions, upskilling frontline staff, and a great new range of supervisory courses with the flexibility to complete these courses as either non-accredited or accredited courses.

This first appeared in the January/February 2023 issue of INCLEAN magazine. 

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