They say change is as good as a holiday – if only we could pack our bags and jump on a plane every time a big life changing moment occurred. I’d like to think I’d embrace it in a positive light. And while some of us don’t deal well with it, change is undeniably inevitable.
Over the last year our industry has changed and evolved. Your businesses have changed and hopefully grown. And your needs and expectations of the industry have changed too, and have been voiced – some louder and clearer than others.
In response, the Interpoint and INCLEAN team have chosen to hold a one-day only boutique cleaning show, Ausclean 2014, in Melbourne for the first time. Co-located with the Institute of Hospitality in Healthcare (IHHC) national conference, we hope to offer the industry a day where supply and demand come together under the one roof, for one day with a continuous stream of customers from start to finish.
“Healthcare segment hygiene protocols and the affiliated delivery of appropriate services are at the very forefront of driving cleaning product innovation and the synergy between the IHHC national conference 2014 and Ausclean 2014 becomes even more obvious when viewed in that light,” said Simon Cooper managing director of Interpoint and publisher of INCLEAN magazine.
“The Institute of Hospitality in Healthcare (IHHC) national conference 2014 and Ausclean 2014 are ideal compliments in terms of delivering high quality cleaning and hygiene education and training.”
Ausclean and INCLEAN place great emphasis on the burgeoning health and aged care sectors so the ongoing involvement in IHHC’s activities is an excellent fit. The one-day exhibition will take place across the road from the IHHC conference at the Melbourne Cricket Grounds on Tuesday 14 October.
The IHHC conference has rescheduled its start time to allow conference delegates to attend the exhibition which is expected to attract more than 40 exhibitors and 500+ trade visitors.
So let’s see what 2014 brings and embrace the changes… time to book a little educational holiday to Melbourne I say!