There were a number of highlights that emanated from the Building Service Contractors Association of Australia’s (BSCAA) New South Wales branch 2013 annual general meeting. Perhaps the most notable was the Association’s official release of its updated Specification, Tender and Cleaning Contract document.
Held at the Stamford Grand, North Ryde (Sydney) on 27 June, the luncheon meeting was a busy but fast-paced event that included an excellent presentation by Fair Work Ombudsman inspector Gene Bourke.
BSCAA NSW president Rick Gesterkamp welcomed members, supplier sponsors and guests. He paid particular tribute to the Association’s management team of executive director Barbara Connolly and executive assistant Helen Thurtell.
“The prime purpose of our Association is to provide our members with advice and assistance in the conduct of their businesses,” emphasised Gesterkamp.

Reflecting that ethos, the updated Specification, Tender and Cleaning Contract document is designed for small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs); it’s gratis; and it can be a powerful tool when presenting to property managers.
Gesterkamp thanked experienced ‘costing/estimator’ execs Tony Dutka and Bob Thorpe for their valuable input as well as Connolly and Thurtell for their ‘publishing’ efforts.
As BSCAA national president Terry Corby noted, “this (Specification, Tender and Cleaning Contract document) is a fantastic initiative and one of the best things the Association has ever done.”
In his year in review report, Gesterkamp covered a raft of topics including member services; time-consuming industrial relations; wage increases; support being given to the ACT division; and planning for the 2013 Excellence Awards.
A pleasing aspect of the branch’s 2012/2013 year has been a strengthening of its financial position. At December 2012 the NSW division had a total equity of $243,469 after having achieved an annual $86,063 profit, and since then equity has increased to $306,730.
“The significance here is that the NSW division is the most financially stable of all (BSCAA) divisions in Australia,” Gesterkamp noted.
On the training front, the BSCAA NSW is holding discussions with registered training organisations regarding a proposal to establish BSCAA accredited on-line training courses for members on a national basis.
“This initiative is planned to commence with a new induction course which will be available to members’ staff and members of the public seeking to enter our industry,” explained Gesterkamp.
FWO’s procurement chain focus

In delivering an update on the current audit of cleaning contractors, FWO inspector Gene Bourke said this present campaign is focused on ‘procurement chains’. In other words, the vetting of all parties in the contracting process – from property managers through to prime contractors and then on to sub-contractors.
“The top of the chain is not absolved from responsibility” in ensuring that cleaners are paid the correct wages and employed under the legislated conditions, Bourke emphasised.
He reprised the 2011 FWO contract cleaning campaign and stressed that at all times his organisation was primarily concerned with ensuring contractors met their obligations and, in cases where they did not, assist them to do so through education.
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