Cleanstar RCDs: There’s safety in Knowledge!

As covered in February’s Hot Product, RCDs are becoming legal requirements across Australia, with many Australian States and Territories already on board. To refresh, the law states that RCDs are legally required* in workplaces where “plug in” electrical equipment is used (ie: Vacuum Cleaners, Polishers, Steam Cleaners, etc). For the facts and figures, see the […]

Wish you had cleaning equipment ready to use at all times?

Consider hiring it. Kennards Concrete Care hires out equipment for a large variety of cleaning jobs. Whether it is for warehouses or factories, schools or car parks, airports or shopping centres, we have the equipment ready to go. Think about it. You save money when you hire. No depreciation, registration, repair or maintenance costs. You […]

Kimberly-Clark Professional products remain Australian-made

Following a strategic global business review of its pulp and tissue assets Kimberly-Clark Corporation announced late February closure of the two oldest tissue machines at its Millicent Mill in South East South Australia.  However, KC Professional premium product for both Australia and New Zealand will continue to be made at the Millicent facility. It includes […]


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