Held 19 and 20 July 2012 at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Total Facilities Live was notable for the significant exhibitor presence of cleaning services’ providers (BSCs). Total Facilities also included a three stream seminar program, one of which – FM Ideas – was sponsored by ISS Facilities Services.
More than 180 product suppliers and solutions providers from across Australia exhibited to meet, network and do business with facility managers, heads of facility operations and management, maintenance engineers, project managers, building owners, and corporate real estate professionals.

Open to all attendees, there were four keynote presentations as well as seminars covering FM ideas, safe buildings and energy solutions on both days. The FM ideas theatre featured presentations from some of the greatest minds in facilities management, building maintenance and sustainable practices.
The expo’s first day saw Jean-Christophe Schrotter from Veolia Water Solutions & Technology deliver a talk on working towards water self-reliance and sustainability, while Fresh Green Clean’s Bridget Gardner presented on business benefits for green cleaning.
Friday’s seminars included a talk on employee engagement for providing better FM services by Darryl Prince of ISS Facility Services, while the Green Building Council of Australia’s Robert Milagre spoke about the new Green Star rating tool for existing building operations; Green Star – Performance.

Although exhibitors would have preferred more traffic, with the expo hall falling quiet at times, there was an overall consensus about the high calibre of visitors and interested buyers. “We’ve had some really good visitors to the stand,” said Karen Burstin, Karcher’s product manager. “We’re meeting the people who are ready to buy, the decision makers, the people who are serious about talking to us, and that is why we’re here.”
However, being the inaugural event, the focus was about exhibitors showing a vested interest and supporting the industry, and that was evident with the impressive stand displays and variety of brands and industry professionals gathered under the one roof. Total Facilities Live is sure to grow from strength to strength in years to come.
For more photos visit INCLEAN’s Picasa Web album Total Facilities Live 2012