‘Must read’ September/October 2014 INCLEAN magazine contains a wealth of cleaning and hygiene information
The September/October INCLEAN magazine contains a wealth of information for both contract and in-house service providers and distributor/re-sellers. This issue carries two specific focuses, sustainability and the AUSCLEAN Expo directory.
Industry and Contractor content includes:
*FWO seeks to hold top of supply chain responsible, by FWO’s Bruce Whyte
*WFBSC 2016, Tokyo, to consider industry’s enrichment of people’s lives
*Guardian Health Support Services brings hygiene systems innovation to healthcare sites
*NZ’s 24/7 Environmental Services receives highest CleanSweep Awards accolade
*Cleancorp’s value-add strategy reaps local and international rewards
*Service delivery execution requires right people, emphasises ISS’ Service Management 3.0
*Eco Office Supplies’ founder recognised for ‘making a difference’
Sustainability content includes:
*Seven ways Green SASH certification will benefit cleaning industry, by Bridget Gardner
*Increasing water efficiency now and for future, by Stephen Ashkin
*Sustainability education is an investment, not a cost, by Bridget Gardner
Technology content includes:
*Intelligent technologies in cleaning, by Catherine Christie
*Biologicals could give your business ‘green credentials, by Bruce Stewart
*Selecting coatings for stone and tile surfaces, by Garry Phillips
*An education in floor cleaning, choosing a specialist, by John Parker
*Pure water, the perfect partner for window cleaning, by Torsten Deutzmann
Strong restoration and carpet feature articles:
*Flood Restoration Australia’s armoury allows it to attack all niches
*For East Coast Restorations, business is about helping people
*The ‘ins’ and ‘outs’ of carpet cleaning for contract cleaners, part two by Patrick Burgess
Other segments covered in the September/October magazine include: Marketing and Products. As usual the magazine carries a strong product content sourced from both overseas events and local suppliers
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