Scuff marks? Hard to clean non slip floors?

Conquest’s superior orbital floor scrubbing machines are changing many major cleaning issues into easily accomplished tasks. Using a unique, rectangular scrub deck that oscillates at high speeds and has high down pressure the Conquest Edge Orbital Scrubbers penetrate into the most difficult surfaces producing results cleaners have been looking for, for years. Some applications where […]

Conquest’s superior orbital floor scrubbing machines are changing many major cleaning issues into easily accomplished tasks.

Stick on tiles

Using a unique, rectangular scrub deck that oscillates at high speeds and has high down pressure the Conquest Edge Orbital Scrubbers penetrate into the most difficult surfaces producing results cleaners have been looking for, for years.

Some applications where the Edge Orbital floor scrubbers have recently proved themselves:

1. A football stadium in Victoria had a large concourse of non-slip tiles that the BSC had tried numerous types of disk and cylindrical machines on without the result the centre management wanted. Conquest demonstrated a Magnum Edge machine with a standard blue pad and mild chemical and the results were staggering. The Magnum just seemed to pull the dirt out of the tiles and left the grout looking brand new.

2. Another contractor had a contract to clean a large hospital complex but the vinyl floor that they had to clean was old and badly scuffed and nothing could remove the dirt easily, or so they thought….
Conquest supplied a Minimag Edge machine and the results could be seen immediately. One single pass across the floor and the Minimag left a clean white path through the floor, and even the concaved vinyl edges came clean where the EDGE pad could reach and the old disc scrubber couldn’t reach. The ability to strip without chemicals was an added benefit for the contractor saving time and money for the periodic stripping jobs as well.

EDGE Stick Machine

3. Tiled toilet and washroom floors have often presented a challenge for cleaners. This application in an engineering facility had the added dimension of a lot of oil and grease being ground into the floor. They had tried numerous cleaning machines including steam without the desired result. A Conquest Edge Stick machine was delivered to site along with the unique tile and grout pad and with a couple of passes the floor looked like new again. The customer even remarked they had forgotten what colour the grout had been!

4. Many hospitals are now installing low maintenance vinyl floors that are great for reducing maintenance costs but scuff badly with shoes and trolleys. This application was a brand new hospital and within months the floors were looking terrible. They tried everything and nothing seemed to be able to remove the scuff marks….until the Edge arrived!

A HD Edge Stick machine just peeled the scuff marks off and in no time the floors were back to original condition. This has been so successful the hospital is now looking at swapping over all their scrubbers to the Edge Orbital machines.

What about you? Do you have any floors that you despair over how to clean them quicker, or clean them properly at all?

Call Conquest today on 1800 82 6789 to arrange a demonstration and prepare to be amazed…

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