What: Cleaning.Management.Services (CMS)
When: 22 to 25 September 2015, 10.00 to 17.00 hours
Where: Berlin Exhibition Grounds, Germany
Cleaning.Management.Services (CMS) 2015’s Congress will focus on the ‘People and Business’. Leading international cleaning industry executives, including those from Europe, the US, South Africa, India and China, will discuss current aspects of this subject in a global context.
The CMS Congress enjoys the active support of the European Federation of Cleaning Industries (EFCI), the European Cleaning Machines Association (EUnited) and the International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products (AISE).
The Congress’ venue is Marshall-Haus, a listed building on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds, and the proceedings will be translated simultaneously into German, English and French.
‘Papers and panel discussions will seek to identify the available workforce potential and the kind of employees that will be needed in the future,’ states the organiser.
‘The discussions will also investigate whether market requirements, and therefore the demand for services, will change in the foreseeable future, and whether the available workforce potential can cope with this situation.
‘Participants will also discuss the role that is likely to be played by such developments as demographic changes, an increase in pandemics and infections, and the demand for hospital capacity, care facilities and private care services.’
The CMS Congress’ ‘experts’ will also consider the extent to which the market is affected by a shortage of trained specialists; the phenomenon of worldwide feminisation; and youth unemployment in southern Europe.
‘By addressing such highly topical issues the congress ideally supplements the exhibition section of the trade show because, with their product displays, the exhibitors at the CMS 2015 will be presenting solutions, systems and processes intended to meet the needs of the market, notes the organiser.
Wednesday, 23 September
2:00 to 2:30 Welcoming addresses by:
Dr Christian Göke, CEO Messe Berlin GmbH; Bengt Jödahl, EFCI president; Markus Asch, EUnited Cleaning president and president VDMA; and Susanne Zänker, AISE general manager
2:30 to 3:15 Keynote (to be determined)
3:15 to 4:15 Challenges from demographic change – the labour market now and in the future. Panel discussion that will include: Pascal Gauthier, international CEO ONET Cleaning and Services, France; Scott Newland, COO EC Synergy SA, United Kingdom; Adrienne Axler, CEO Sodexo, Belgium (requested); and Klaus Pankau, personnel director WISAG, Germany
4:15 to 4:35 Coffee break
4:35 to 5:35 International comparison of training. Panel discussion that will include: Mario Gomez, trainee; Karl Breer, instructor, Management Breer Gebäudedienste, Germany; Santanu Gosh, trainee; Ms. Preyansi Mani, master trainer VDMA, India; Linda Dyaro, trainee; and Clive Damonze, instructor,director Metro Cleaning Services, South Africa
5:35 to 5:50 Presentation of the WFBSC Congress 2016, Tokyo
06:30 CMS reception
Thursday, 24 September
10:15 to 11:00 Technology and Sustainability: scientific progress that increases the value of clean by Dr Ilham Kadri, president of the Diversey Care Division of Sealed Air Corp., Netherlands
11:00 to 11:50 Hygiene scandals in Bremen, Berlin, Mannheim, Kiel – why don’t we learn from them? by Dr med. Klaus-Dieter Zastrow, director of the Institute for Hygiene and Environmental Medicine Vivantes Clinic Berlin, Germany
11:50 to 12:10 Coffee break
12:10 to 1 p.m. Background conditions and development potential for the cleaning industry on large volume markets. Panel discussion including: Markus Asch, deputy chairman of the Board, Alfred Kärcher Gmbh & Co. KG, Germany; Stan Doobin, president of Harvard Maintenance, USA; Ms Lin Ying, CEO Secaide, China; Paresh Parekh, general manager Sort India Enviro Solutions, India (requested); and Vera Glebovskaya, director Cleaning Master, Russia (requested)
1 to 1:45 Midday break
1:45 to 2:35 – Hygiene and Sustainability by Raj V. Rajan, PhD, PE, vice president and global sustainability leader Ecolab Inc USA
2:35 to 3:30 Influences of different cultures on standards, requirements and implementation in building cleaning in various nations by Sujata Banerjee, senior consultant intercultures, Germany/India
03:30 Conclusion of congress, visit to trade show
Exhibitors and trade visitors can now register online for the 2nd International Conference at CMS 2015 at: www.cms-berlin.de
For participants who register by 15 June 2015 the fee is Euro300, after which it is Euro400. A ticket to the conference is also valid for admission to the fair; the CMS reception; coffee breaks; and lunchtime refreshments.