Network with the industry’s best at WFBSC 2014

Discover the best revenue boosting strategies, hiring, retention strategies, and shortcuts to growing your profits… April 6 to 9 2014 New York City, NY Meet, connect, and learn from the most successful, profitable and fastest growing cleaning and building service contractors from around the world at the 2014. This event is for building services facility […]

New-York600Discover the best revenue boosting strategies, hiring, retention strategies, and shortcuts to growing your profits…

WFBSC-logo300April 6 to 9 2014 New York City, NY

Meet, connect, and learn from the most successful, profitable and fastest growing cleaning and building service contractors from around the world at the 2014.

This event is for building services facility management, cleaning, janitorial, landscaping, security, food catering, and healthcare professionals who are a CEO, entrepreneur, business owner, president, CFO, VP of H.R., VP of operations, or C-Level executive.

At this ‘must attend’ conference you will have access to executive level networking, industry best practices, world-class speakers, round-table discussions and connections.

You’ll also receive direct access to big thinkers, global leaders, and industry innovators such as ISS CEO Jeff Gravenhorst and ABM CEO Henrik Slipsager as you gain unfair competitive advantages from these three core concepts and more:

1. Strategy: Implement key initiatives and technologies while learning how to identify new trends so you can capitalize on them early.

2. Health: Discover how health and hygiene impact every area of your business today, tomorrow, and in the future, as well as how to use both in getting ahead of the curve for growth and sustainability.

3. People: Learn how to hire, recruit, retain, grow your business, and offset low margins in today’s competitive environment.

Tim Murch
Tim Murch

“Having attended several WFBSC Congresses I know that the 2014 Congress will be by far the best one in history and will be a world class event. I know it will exceed every expectation and provide a high level lifetime value for myself and my entire team”– Tim Murch president, Mitch Murch Maintenance Management (MMMM).

Sign up today to attend this extraordinary opportunity for learning from and networking with the industry’s best and most innovative leaders!




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