NCSA invites entries to ‘Gerry Goldberg – Legends’ and ‘Industry Achievers’ awards

Initiated and managed by the National Cleaning Suppliers Association (NCSA), applications are now being invited for the 'NCSA Gerry Goldberg –Legends Award'.

ncsaLegendsCleaning_webInitiated and managed by the National Cleaning Suppliers Association (NCSA), applications are now being invited for the ‘NCSA Gerry Goldberg –Legends Award’. Recognising individual excellence in the cleaning industry, the Award is open to all people working in our industry, whether service or supply–side.

The NCSA is also awarding an Industry Achievers Award, which is aimed at encouraging further training.

The NCSA Gerry Goldberg – Legends Award is a perpetual trophy that may not necessarily be given out every year. It will be judged on nominations from the industry to recognise individuals who have had major impact on the industry in various forms.

“It is to recognise the feats of nominated individuals and the contributions they have made to our industry to improve such things as ethics, standards, training etc. or longevity of their service to the industry,” explained NCSA national president Stuart Nicol.

“The Legends Award is designed to bring together all segments of our industry as a closer unit and to engender more camaraderie between executives from all parts of our cleaning and hygiene industry,” added Nicol.

The Nomination form can be downloaded here and must be submitted for assessment and judging by 31 August 2015.

The Legends Award, which is being sponsored by the NCSA in conjunction with Pall Mall Manufacturing, will be presented at the Gala Dinner being held as part of Cleanscene 2015 (Melbourne) this September.

Achievers Award

The NCSA will also be awarding the ‘NCSA Industry Achiever Award’. This award is based on nominations from any industry segment to recognise an individual’s outstanding performance in their area and the industry. The award is structured as an incentive to reward and encourage further training and experience through funding offered by the Awards’ sponsors.

Again, this Achievers Award may not necessarily be awarded every year, however, it is not a perpetual trophy, so the recipient will receive an individual trophy to keep.

“The award is also aimed at encouraging young people within the industry to not only remain in it, but to also encourage other young individuals to join the industry, by showing what can be achieved,” Nicol noted.

This year’s Achievers Award involves the successful nominee undertaking a sponsored online course which, upon completion, will result in that individual also receiving $1,000 donated by the NCSA, with other possible benefits as reward. Download the entry form.

Nicol highlighted the critical need for our industry to support younger people and to help them transition upwards through the executive ranks, as well as encouraging other individuals to further improve their skills.

“We encourage all in the industry’s various sectors, including service provision (contracting and in-house), supply, manufacturing and distribution, to consider those in their respective organisations who would be appropriate nominees for the Achievers Award,” Nicol said.

“In both of the Awards, while they may be judged each year, they will only be awarded when nominated individuals are seen to be worthy of receiving them.

“This is done so as to keep standards at a high level and to ensure that they are seen as honouring  the memory of Gerry Goldberg for the Legends Award and also to reassure sponsors of the Achievers Award that their sponsorship contributions have been sound investment, not only for themselves but also for the industry,” added Nicol.

Current sponsors for the Achievers Award are: Pall Mall Manufacturing, The Lennox Institute and the NCSA. There are opportunities for sponsorship involvement by other organisations that may wish to contribute and gain exposure as a result. Details can be obtained by email to

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