Newcastle-based (NSW) Mycotox has just received some very good news having been granted Ethics approval for a pilot study into breast cancer by Family Planning’s Ethics Committee.
The study is being conducted by Mycotox Pty Ltd CEO Vincent Neil and Dr Jack Thrasher PhD of Thrasher & Associates, US-based medical/legal consultants.
Mycotox performs commercial testing for indoor microbial contamination and has found links between diseased tissue and contamination within the individual’s home.
[Refer January/February 2013 INCLEAN magazine article]
“Understanding the causes and risk factors associated with breast cancer is important for the future treatment and prevention of this disease,” explained Neil.
“This study is examining a possible association between breast cancer and a fungus/mould that is a common environmental contaminant. This study will compare results obtained from the analysis of both the indoor environments and breast tissue samples of women with breast cancer and those free from breast cancer.
“In this way it will be possible to determine whether environmental exposure to the fungus, bacteria and associated toxins, has the potential to act as a risk factor for breast cancer.”
The information gained during this study may allow Mycotox to identify a novel risk factor for breast cancer. In the long-term the project may have the potential to reduce the burden of this disease on the wider community.
“We are only stepping onto the bottom rung of the ladder, it’s still a long way to the top,” Neil noted.