After three years as president, Gary Bourke has handed over the reins of the Specialised Cleaning & Restoration Industry Association (SCRIA) to incoming president Michelle Lee. The announcement of Lee’s election and her new national executive executive was made at a SCRIA meeting held at Ausclean PULIRE 2013 mid-October.
Lee has been SCRIA’s NSW state representative for the last year and consistently demonstrates a great deal of passion for the industry.
Bourke told the meeting it had been a great privilege being president but pointed out that at the time of NUCCRA’s (SCRIA’s previous name) formation it was suggested three terms in the one office position was all that was allowable for one person.
“It has been an honour to have been your representation. Thank you for having me,” said Bourke.
In his president’s report, Bourke said SCRIA “is currently in negotiation to be the representative between a registered training organisation and Government for members to undertake funded formal training, including the current Certificate III in Carpet Cleaning qualification.
“While nothing is yet finalised, it appears likely that members and their staff will be able to obtain significant subsidies to undertake formal training. As the managing body, SCRIA will then have an opportunity to receive a Government allowance to manage the training.”