ISS has developed a close relationship with the Australian Employment Covenant and Generation One since inception in 2008, joining with other employers to commit to a total of more than 60,000 jobs for Indigenous Australians. It recently signed a new covenant with Generation One to provide 650 employment opportunities and expects to achieve this by the first quarter of 2014.
ISS is committed to supporting Generation One’s campaign for demand driven and employer directed training. Since signing the first covenant, ISS has provided 550 employment opportunities to Indigenous Australians and plans to continue developing its successful initiatives.
‘The Australian Employment Covenant and Generation One have generated unprecedented corporate support in achieving their goal to fix welfare dependency and employment disparity in a single generation and ISS has been a key contributor in supporting this objective,’ stated ISS.
ISS Facility Services ANZ CEO Dane Hudson, said, “We are extremely proud of ISS’ achievements both in terms of the number of opportunities provided to Indigenous Australians and their contributions to our organisation. ISS supports the model of employer directed training to prepare Indigenous job seekers for the employment opportunities provided.
“However, government funding is key to the on-going success of our program and we support Generation Ones campaign to ensure that the Government focuses on training to place people into the jobs that have already been committed.”