ISS forces security to double up as cleaners, accuses United Voice

United Voice has accused private security company ISS of 'putting the public at risk' by demanding officers at Cairns Airport in Queensland perform dual roles, states a 25 November press release.
Heath Mitchell
Heath Mitchell

United Voice has accused private security company ISS of ‘putting the public at risk’ by demanding officers at Cairns Airport in Queensland perform dual roles, states a 25 November press release.

United Voice regional organiser Heath Mitchell said security officers have been instructed by management to take on cleaning duties in addition to their security roles at the airport. “Not only does this ridiculous policy mean additional work for security officers but more importantly it takes away from the crucial work they do,” said Mitchell.

“Australia’s terror alert has been increased, so heightened security at our airports is more important than ever. Yet ISS is trying to force security officers to double up as cleaners. It’s ridiculous.

“Not only is this placing additional pressure on security officers but it will also put the public at risk as officers will be forced to spend time cleaning rather than ensuring the airport is safe and secure.

“Our members are angry and disappointed with attempts by management to cut corners and save a few dollars at their expense,” Mitchell continued. “We call on ISS to reverse this decision and ensure security officers can concentrate on carrying out their own role, ensuring the airport is safe for members of the public.”

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