Cleaning contractors face the challenge of tendering for new contracts all the time, and a successful result often lies in the company’s ability to market itself effectively, which takes time and money. But in today’s advanced technological world, there are alternatives available to make this process easier and quicker, and one that’s about to hit the market is CleanConnect – an integrated website that helps ‘connect’ clients with commercial cleaning companies.
The developers of CleanConnect come from a sales and marketing background and such roles in supply chain and procurement and has given them much exposure into the cleaning industry from a practical sense. “As developers we had 40 years’ experience that could not go unnoticed and often discussed and wondered how we could utilise our talents and expertise to make a difference,” remarked one of the developers.
“We wanted to explore the concept of connecting clients with commercial cleaning companies in one neutral online secure location,” explained the developer. “We knew what was out in the market and there was nothing like it. The site would have the unique ability to simulate a real life tender scenario and be achieved 100 percent online.”
Convenience seems to be the main focus and driving force behind CleanConnect. “We understand the daily challenges facing all cleaning companies in securing new cleaning contracts , most importantly we acknowledged that many cleaning companies just do not have the resources , time or money to market their company effectively and gain new business,” noted the developer. “Online tendering with CleanConnect is convenient and simple. We streamlined the process to accommodate any size business or company to tender their commercial cleaning needs live.”
From a small client needing a facility serviced once a week to a large company needing a facility serviced every day, the online platform offers them the opportunity to tender their commercial cleaning needs live with CleanConnect. “We looked at the current environment and historically how securing and awarding a cleaning contract takes place,” revealed the developer. “We then proceeded to replicate this online. Each stage was carefully broken down into sub stages. With a team of designers, developers and programmers each stage was created and tested , it became very complex from the back end but always keeping it simple for the user in the front end.”
CleanConnect is fully integrated, allowing both parties to connect online, with the goal that this will save time, resources and money. “Requiring nothing more than a PC or lap top and an internet connection, it provides business to take place in a secure and neutral environment where clients and commercial cleaning companies can connect, interact and engage,” explained the developer. “We are offering the tools, capabilities and innovation to secure a cleaning contract in one convenient location.”
Basically, the way the system works is a client registers and request for tenders and submits a facility schedule. Contractors that have registered to participate in live tenders then respond with competitive proposals. The client views and shortlists proposals in which they are interested and then awards the cleaning contract to the successful company.
“We hope the cleaning industry will embrace IT solutions in a holistic sense and utilise the CleanConnect systems we have developed to alleviate the everyday burden of sourcing new business,” commented the developer. “Reducing administration time and money will surely be recognised once the full benefits of CleanConnect are realised. At the same time we aim to bring clients from all over Australia to one neutral site connecting them with the best commercial cleaning companies the industry has to offer in the ultimate aim of securing a cleaning contract.”
While there is no doubt we have hit the age of information technology and software advances have been introduced in every facet of business, it is vital the cleaning industry be on par and embrace the modern age. “It’s now a matter of what type of I.T and where this will be introduced to the cleaning industry which will take the industry in a new direction,” said the developer. “We believe CleanConnect has found a niche which is so perfect that it will change the way cleaning contracts are awarded and secured. It’s only the beginning and we feel this could lead to many time saving products and services which the cleaning industry will need to embrace in the future.”
“CleanConnect has gone through a stringent research, development and testing process since inception. Testing takes place daily and will continue to do so until the site goes live,” stated the developer. “We replicated many real life scenarios to ensure we covered all areas of making the process and site as efficient and user-friendly as possible. We were very wary of having a cumbersome site that would discourage the industry and clientele from using it again so it was very important that we got it right.”
Cleanconnect.com.au is due to go live in April 2014. “We want the best and most reputable and experienced commercial cleaning companies to contact CleanConnect. We want them to register and be part of the most dynamic and exciting online tendering solution system the cleaning industry has ever seen,” commented the developer. “Having these companies on board, registered and ready is important to allow clients to commence tendering their commercial cleaning needs live come April 2014.”
Contact CleanConnect at enquiries@cleanconnect.com.au