Ongoing high occupancy rates and the coming on-stream of new five and four star hotels are bringing with them added pressures to already busy Sydney executive housekeepers. That was the general tenor of Professional Housekeepers Association of NSW (PHAN) president Maureen Jolowicz’s address to members at the organisation’s 2014 annual general meeting.
“The Sydney hotel industry is enjoying 87 percent occupancy rates. And there are a number of hotels undergoing refurbishment as well as new hotels coming in-stream about 2016/17.
“What this means is increasing competition for staff,” Jolowicz emphasised. For executive housekeepers, retaining and recruiting competent people will become even more of a priority.
Other members who addressed the AGM included secretary Zarife Melick, treasurer Nela Neves and vice president Grace Esogon.

They reprised what had been a successful and busy year for PHAN, highlighting the many events and the organisation’s strong financial position.
Sponsors were given a big ‘thank you’, recognising that without their support PHAN would not be in the position to hold its numerous educational functions and events.
A ‘brainstorming session’ saw members putting forward their ideas for events heading into a 2014/15 year. They included educational sessions on innovative products and grooming and wellness; hotel site visits; a ‘thank you’ to housekeepers party; best practice forum; Christmas Party; Gen Y presentation (working with younger management); and motivational speakers.

The incoming committee comprises president Maureen Jolowicz, vice president Grace Esogon, secretary Zarife Melick, treasurer Nela Neves and members Nanita Popquiz, Michael Gilzean, Kamila Smirski, Kevin Lucas, Young Oh, and Tracey Reed.
facebook.com/PHANNSW; www.phan.org.au
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