After more than three decades of sterling service, Gerry Goldberg has stepped down from the National Cleaning Suppliers’ Association (NCSA) national board. The NCSA national annual general meeting held mid-August at Dooleys, Silverwater (Sydney) witnessed Goldberg’s ‘retirement’ from official industry duties.
Re-elected NCSA national president Stuart Nicol paid tribute to Goldberg, noting that, “he has given a lot to this industry and he also did a great deal of work behind the scenes, not only for the NCSA but for the industry in general.”
Also re-elected at the AGM were Ivan Imerman as treasurer and Kristine Collins as secretary.
Attending the AGM were state presidents Jeff Shearer (Victoria), Jim Taylor (South Australia) and Craig Jones (Queensland).
Nicol pointed out that much effort has gone into enhancing the NCSA’s website while Imerman said the Association was in a solid financial position.