The Australian security industry will work with the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) to create and maintain fair workplaces and a level playing field for business, stated a 21 July FWO press release.
‘The Australian Security Industry Association Limited (ASIAL) has committed to helping its members understand and meet their obligations under Commonwealth workplace laws by signing a three-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Fair Work Ombudsman.
‘The memorandum – which serves as a formal agreement between the two organisations – provides an opportunity for a working partnership that will improve the workplace practices of security operators,’ explained the FWO.
Fair Work Ombudsman Natalie James says the agreement supports a two-way information exchange, where the FWO will provide advice about how ASIAL can best assist its members to meet their obligations as employers, and ASIAL will advise of problems faced by the industry that can act as barriers to compliance.
The two parties will then work together to devise workplace solutions that ASIAL can share with its members.
“This agreement highlights ASIAL’s commitment to making compliance with workplace laws a high priority across the industry,” James said.
“By entering into this agreement, ASIAL is acknowledging there are always opportunities for improvement in workplaces – and is actively seeking out those opportunities for employers in the sector.”
ASIAL chief executive officer Bryan de Caires said he is pleased ASIAL has entered into this agreement with the FWO.
“We look forward to working with the Fair Work Ombudsman on issues of mutual interest and helping our members build fair and productive workplaces across the security industry,” de Caires stated.
As part of the agreement, the FWO has appointed a dedicated member of staff to work with ASIAL representatives and respond to the industry’s needs.
ASIAL and United Voice have also recently partnered with the FWO by supporting a proactive education campaign reminding security contractors of their obligations to pay minimum wages. The campaign aims to draw Local Government’s attention to its responsibilities when outsourcing security contracts.
As part of the campaign, the FWO will be running a number of educative webinars and presentations for Local Government explaining procurement chain obligations.