Total Facilities Live, Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre 19 to 20 July 2012
Facilities management professionals from around Australia will converge on the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre next month for the inaugural Total Facilities Live event.
Set to be Australia’s largest exhibition and conference dedicated to building operations management and maintenance, Total Facilities Live covers everything from exhibitors showcasing their latest innovations in safe building and energy solutions, to seminar sessions in areas including strategic planning, maintenance, compliance, energy efficiency and sustainability and leadership.
Attendees will benefit from hearing world-class industry leaders present their knowledge and experience and apply new techniques to their own facilities or workplace.
Keynote speakers from the US include Clay Nesler, will share his vision behind the Empire State ReBuilding and associate administrator for Mission Support at NASA Dr Woodrow Whitlow.
Top Australian professionals in the field will also deliver a relevant and connected Conference program. Learn areas cover useful, practical approaches to improving energy efficiency and sustainability, saving money through implementing smarter technologies and raising revenues by using new, innovative business methods.
The interactive model of the Conference encourages participation collaborating and networking, with peers from across the nation who face the same daily challenges, at roundtable discussions, session breaks and an opening night function.