Preservation of the cleaning and hygiene industry seemed to be the overall theme of the Building Service Contractors Association of Australia’s (BSCAA) NSW branch 2015 AGM. Whether it’s the preservation of our sustainable resources or the preservation of our accountability framework and cleaning services standard, these discussions took place over a delightful lunch at ECCO Waterfront Restaurant in Drummoyne (Sydney) on 23 July.

BSCAA NSW president Terry Corby welcomed guests, making specific mention of John Eriani (VDG Services) for his 36-year contribution as one of the industry’s pioneers. Corby also thanked suppliers for their financial support giving mention to Daniels Associates, Best Practice, Pall Mall, Staples, Hako Australia, Kimberly-Clark and Agar Cleaning Systems. “People who give back to the industry are the salt of the earth; the backbone of our industry and whatever we as an association do for these companies, is never enough. I just want them to know they are appreciated,” said Corby.
John McGann from Hako Australia was the first guest speaker, delivering a presentation on Hako’s business focus on partnering to provide sustainable cleaning solutions. “Hako prides itself on engineering excellence and competes very strongly in the core markets of healthcare, aged care, municipal and contract cleaning,” shared McGann. “Our core values are customer focus, cleaning solutions, flexibility, knowledge and experience – but overlooking all these values is the company’s commitment to sustainability and the environment.

“Everything we do and everything we work towards is covered by the sustainability model,” he continued. “The resources on this planet are not infinite and Hako works towards minimising the resources we use to achieve the same high standard outcomes and customer solutions. It’s about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Hako has done this with such innovations as the Aqua force, AntiBac floor scrubber and Aqua Stop.
Banarra consultant Nathan Robertson-Ball presented ‘The Cleaning Accountability Framework’, which was instigated in 2011 by the cleaner’s union, United Voice. The Framework’s objective is to develop a new standard for cleaning services in the property services industry that would balance quality cleaning and fair working conditions.
“This is needed because of the persistent issues in the property services industry regarding the treatment of workers, the proliferation of sham contracting arrangements and the breaking of workplace laws,” stated Robertson-Ball. “And the benefit is building transparency down the cleaning industry supply chain.”

The BSCAA NSW AGM came to a close with the final report from the president. Corby concluded by encouraging everyone in the room to attend the upcoming BSCAA NSW Excellence Awards, which he said is the Association’s major event of the year. “I don’t just want managers in suits to attend,” he remarked. “If a cleaner is nominated, they should be at your table enjoying the food and wine and a day away from their job because they deserve it. If they are good enough to be nominated, then they deserve to be there because the day is about them – the cleaners.”
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