Have you ever considered the real cost of processing handwritten timesheets? As more and more clients demand transparency and proof of service delivery, some form of electronic time & attendance is inevitable but it doesn’t have to compromise profitability.
eziTracker is the leading electronic monitoring service used by staff to record when they start and end work at a client’s site. Attendance data is immediately available to management via their internet browser which enables comparison between site budgets and actual site attendance, allowing more efficient communication with remote staff, avoiding potential service breakdowns, and enhancing health and safety practices.
Charged on a pay-as-you-use basis, eziTracker integrates with leading payroll systems, helps automate payroll process, and enables greater control of expenditure. Administration time is reduced, discrepancies are minimised, and staff can be paid for actual site attendance.
eziTracker information is captured at source, making it easier to recognise top performers as well as those who may require additional management or training. If disciplinary action is required, accurate historic data can prove extremely valuable.
For larger sites, or sites without telephone access, other login methods are available including biometric terminals which are particularly well suited to clients who demand high levels of security.
Contact us for an individual cost analysis of your current manual timesheet system, or visit our website for more information including details of our next webinar.
P: 1800 eziTrk (394875)
E: sales@ezitracker.com
W: www.ezitracker.com.au