There’s little doubt that the inaugural AUSCLEAN Convention 2011 will deliver the Australian cleaning industry’s best ever cleaning and hygiene conference content. The programme contains a balanced mix of healthcare, contracting, management, training, technical and sustainability papers delivered by international and local experts.
AUSCLEAN Convention 2011 will be held at Jupiter’s Casino (Gold Coast) on the 27 and 28 September. The full programme and registration information can be found at

For carpet restoration technicians and BSCs, ‘Understanding Heat Drying’ will prove a major drawcard. Bob Spencer, a director of the BDMA (British Damage Management Association), will explore the emerging transformational effect drying with heat can achieve in the restoration of a flood damaged buildings. Combining controlled heat and air flow to produce high-speed evaporation can dramatically improve the drying process for the fastest drying ever!
The subject is explored through a combination of technical instruction, videos and real life case studies, plus delegates will also practice how to set-up a heat drying system on site and learn more about monitoring the drying process.
Healthcare professionals and service providers with hospital and nursing home contracts will need to attend Lennox Institute’s Introduction to Forensic Cleaning, which will be presented by Bug Control director Judy Forrest.
Comply with infection control policies and procedures (HLTIN301B) is aimed at managers and cleaners as an introduction to specialised cleaning and restoration of a high risk site or trauma scene where there is exposure to human bodily fluids. The course is based on the nationally recognised unit ‘Comply with infection control policies and procedures’ and assists employers to meet their duty of care by minimising the risk of infection resulting from work related exposure to HIV and other blood borne pathogens.

Attendees will receive a Certificate of Completion and may also apply to Lennox to complete a project and assessment to receive a Statement of Attainment for this nationally recognised unit of competency.
The internet is a vital part of practically all organisations’ marketing armoury. ‘Getting the most out of your website’ by The Video Wizard’s Josh Williams is not only extremely entertaining; it has proved to be a real revenue earner for many businesses.

“How can you use video on the internet to help get more work? If you struggle to answer these questions, are not an internet or a computer person, but understand you need to know this stuff, then this presentation is for you,” says Williams. He will share real life case studies on simple and low cost marketing strategies that are proven to work for others and can work for your business too. There will be no techno-babble or confusing computer lingo, this presentation is designed for business owners looking for one thing – results!
Distributors, suppliers and service providers can learn about what brings success from an international expert. ‘Success & Failure – A Heart Beat Apart’ will be presented by Bill Griffin, CEO Cleaning Consultant Services, Inc.
Why do some businesses succeed while others fail? What characteristics give business owners and employees the best chance of success? Griffin will review the key component of what winning businesses do right to survive in today’s changing and competitive market place.

He will have a Question and Answer session and asks delegates to bring their toughest cleaning questions. His answers are jamb packed with useable information, insightful and often controversial and thought provoking answers.