WFBSC final program revealed

Organisers of WFBSC congress secure global player in the digital world and representative of the world’s largest building services contractor to speak at the upcoming congress.

Registration open for WFBSC Congress 2016

Registration is now open for the 21st Congress of the World Federation of Building Service Contractors, which is being held from 4 to 7 April 2016, at the Tokyo International Forum.

Move your business from customer ‘service’ to customer ‘experience’

Expect more… pay less! In order to survive and prosper building service contractors need to move their businesses from offering customer ‘service’ to delivering customer ‘experience’. Speaking at the WFBSC Congress 2012, Florida-based Jay Garcia told delegates that in the face of very tough competition BSCs must give more than what’s in the contract. “Customers […]

World cleaning capital Curitiba reinforces industry’s vital public hygiene and sustainability roles

WFBSC Congress 2012 themed ‘Agua, sua importania na limpeza sustentavel’ [Water, and its importance in sustainable cleaning] “For one week Curitiba (Brazil) will be the world capital for cleaning,” stated the World Federation of Building Service Contractors’ president Adonai Aires de Arruda when officially opening the WFBSC Congress 2012. A common theme running through three […]

WFBSC to maintain focus on key international issues for contractors

At a board meeting held before its Congress, the World Federation of Building Service Contractors (WFBSC) has re-affirmed its in-train focuses on key issues affecting the international contract cleaning fraternity.  It also covered the significant progress already achieved in planning the WFBSC 2014 Congress, New York City. The five hour meeting was held on Wednesday […]

Water’s importance in sustainable cleaning is WFBSC Congress’s core theme

‘Water: its importance in sustainable cleaning’ is the core theme chosen for the 19th World Federation of Building Service Contractors International Congress, Curitiba, Brazil, from 10 to 14 October 2012. It will be held simultaneously with the 22nd Regional Higiexpo – Hygiene, Cleaning and Maintenance Products and Services Exhibition, and the 23rd ENEAC – National […]

WFBSC to recognise firms’ industry commitment and service

The World Federation of Building Service Contractors Congress 2012 will grant ‘Merit for Service’ and ‘Industry Benefactor’ awards that will recognise building service contractors firms and executives’ industry commitment and service. The ‘Merit for Service’ award, created by the Federação Nacional das Empresas de Serviços e Limpeza Ambiental (FEBRAC), can be applied for at […]

Deadline for Diversey’s WFBSC Congress award nears

The Diversey Sustainability Innovation Award entry deadline of 10 August 2012 is nearing quickly and those intending to enter should get cracking! ‘The Diversey Sustainability Innovation Award was created to celebrate sustainable innovation which has been successfully implemented by a BSC,’ explains Diversey. The Award winner will receive a trip for the winner plus companion […]

WFBSC Congress’s sustainable destination also delivers green tourist attractions

19th World Federation of Building Service Contractors’ Congress, 11 to 14 October 2012, Curitiba, Brazil The Brazilian city of Curitiba has become a good choice in the international business and conference market due to its excellent infrastructure and logistics; green metropolis; and rich cultural traditions. The WFBSC Congress will be held simultaneously with the 22nd […]


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